HIL - Haridwar Infrastructure Limited
HIL stands for Haridwar Infrastructure Limited
Here you will find, what does HIL stand for in Construction under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Haridwar Infrastructure Limited? Haridwar Infrastructure Limited can be abbreviated as HIL What does HIL stand for? HIL stands for Haridwar Infrastructure Limited. What does Haridwar Infrastructure Limited mean?The India based company is located in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh engaged in construction industry.
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Alternative definitions of HIL
- Hilfiger
- Dot Hill Systems Corporation
- Human Interface Link
- Hardware In Loop
- Shillavo, Ethiopia
- Hill Innovative Learning
- Hill International, Inc.
- high-intensity lighting
View 91 other definitions of HIL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- HRL Hybrid Remedies LLC
- HH Healthcare for Hire
- HMB Hollywood Media Bridge
- HAA Hype Advertising Australia
- HPML Hazel Park Memorial Library
- HQMIO Holy Quran Memorization International Organization
- HCPL Home Care Preferred Ltd.
- HCL Higgins Construction LLC
- HLC Hill Laboratories Company
- HGR Hunter Group Recruitment
- HRCI Hamon Research Cottrell I
- HHS Head Hunters Salon
- HIO Holiday Inn Oxford
- HTC The Hills Treatment Center
- HCBM Higgins Cohn Brand Management
- HL House of Leisure
- HWU Health Workers Union
- HESA Higher Education Strategy Associates